Resources / Gizmos

Website & Blogging Tools

(Multi)Media Production & Digital Storytelling Tools

iMovie (Apple) 

NFB-Stop Motion App / NFB Education Site 

Windows Movie Maker (PC)  / Within PHOTOS

Shotcut (Crossplatform)

KnightLab Digital Storytelling Tools Story-mapping, Timelines, and Knowledge/Data Visualization Tools

Comiclife is a great platform for serious comics/graphic texts and graphic novel making. Fast-Mo ComicLife Tutorial Slo-Mo ComicLife Tutorial

Twine is an easy-to-use browser-based tool for creative interactive, non-linear narratives (multimodal stories, poetry, essays, or really any genre) and interactive narratives games.

Ren Py Visual Novel and Game Creator

iBook Author

Techsmith (Camtasia, etc) Camtasia is not free, but is great screen capture video editor.

Super-8 (App) supports retro film aesthetic (e.g, in the tradition of older documentary films, family movies, including frame stutter and light-leak distortions).

Action Movie Effects (same maker as Super-8) is a silly, incorrect app that allows you to add spider attacks, avalanches and meteor strikes (and so on) to your narrative.

Glossary of Technical & Aesthetic Film Terms:

Digital Storytelling / Graphic Novels

iPad Comic Makers: Apps I have used for Visual Essays, ‘Serious Comics’ and Zines include Halftone 2 and ComicBook! … Both enable you to import your pictures and posterize your images.

Comiclife is a great platform for serious comics/graphic texts/novels.

Klynt: HTML 5 Digital Storytelling (Free Trial)

Audio Tools and Digital Audio Workstations


Soundation (Online / Free)

Audacity Edit, hack &  tinker with your Audio-files (Remix/Mashup, Glitch-ify, Tempo Edit, Distort and Elongate, ect)…or use Audicity for Databending > see also:  Circuit bendingDatamoshing Glitch Art

Ableton Live

VCV Rack (Free Modular Synthesis)
Virtual Eurorack DAW

Tenori-On / Tenori-On for iPad (Soundworks Composition based on innovative Tenori music hardware). Super.

Game Design / Makers / Tools

USC Game Innovation Lab



Twine / Twine on Gamasutra (Open Source Tool for Developing Non/Linear Narratives/Games)



Gimp (Free, Powerful / but harder to use than photoshop)

Learn to Code

MIT App Inventor Start making apps today. by MIT Media Lab (learn to code and create multimodal documents through free open-source  software sketchbook – a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual/multimodal documents and artworks.

Makey-MakeyArduino /  maker kits

Scratch by MIT Media Lab

General Media / Multiple Uses

Articulate Storyline – Multimodal Presentation Tool

Camtasia (Screen Recording)

Screencapture: Open Broadcaster. Open Broadcaster Software is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming, including desktop capture and machinima.

REMIX Culture

“Everything is a sample, everything is waiting to be sampled; and everything is renewed when it is sampled, broken down, reconstructed and recontextualized. If architecture is, as they say, frozen music, then music is liquid architecture. Music fills and reconfigures space, puts it into motion. All that is solid melts into software — actually, into free software or shareware…Paul Miller’s lecture envisioned — but also pragmatically demonstrated, in brief — the utopian potentialities of postmodern culture. Remix/Remodel. Deform in order to Transform.”
Steven Sharivo on DJ Spooky (Paul Miller)

Remix Culture / Legal Resources

Creative Commons  /Search Creative Commons


Videvo: Free Stock Footage  /

Soundbible   /  Archive.Org (old education clips for creative/critical remix)

e-Learning (HTML 5) Common Authoring Tools for eLearning Design

Abobe Captivate


Techsmith (Camtasia, etc)

Screencapture: Open Broadcaster. Open Broadcaster Software is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming, including desktop capture and machinima.

Winner, L. (1980). Do Artifacts Have Politics.

Bijker, W. (2010). How is Technology Made? That is the Question Cambridge Journal of Economics 2010.