
Twine Slide Deck

Create a Twine

Twine is an easy-to-use tool for creating interactive, non-linear narratives (multimodal stories, poetry, essays, visual novels) and interactive narrative games (adventures, role-playing games, etc.), as well as interactive video and documentary film projects.

Here are a few advanced examples of Twines – but you will be surprised how easy Twine is to learn. Twine, as a Web 2.0 pedagogical tool, enables students to design complex digital narratives, simulations & multimodal research presentations.

Tip! The older downloadable version is much easier to use (image and code integration), and has extensive online support!

Version 1.4.2 for Windows and OS X

Tutorials: Download the Dames Making Games ‘How-To’ Tutorial PDF & PowerPoint Version DMG
Video Tutorials: Video

Here is a another tutorial and here is a general What’s Twine? article that offers models and ideas… Or do a google or youtube search on Twine + your questions and you should be able to find tech support. I am here to help out. Remember, VERSION 1.4.2 Windows and OS X …!

Having fun with Twine? Want to take it to the next level?

With Style Sheets and Sound Macros you can create your own backgrounds, your own text styles, as well as integrate music and sound-effects.

To add Sound Macros to your twine (or explore further creative applications of CSS), visit Glorious Train Wrecks.

Adding sound and music is actually pretty easy. 1) Cut and paste this code into your Twine “script” passage (the brown box). 2) Make sure you title your script passage with the name of your audio file (e.g., soundfile.wav or soundfile.mp3). 3. Put the associated file in the same folder where you save your twine story. 4) Now, go to the story passage where you want your music to appear and paste in the appropriate the code (be exact). For example:

<<playsound "file.mp3" >>

Remember to write the name of your own file into that code, e.g., <<playsound "mysoundfile.wav" >>

For more audio commands (code scripts), please visit:

Get free Creative Commons Music, Sound Effects, and Sound-Files at (re/save file names to make simple)… Better yet, compose your own music, ambient works, and foley-room  effects….  Click Adding Sound Macros for further tips on file types and possible modifications to code (fade in, fade out, stop, loop, etc)….

Code Strip for Direct Address:

Name Input code:

<<textinput $player_name [[enter passage title]]>>

Add this code when you wish to address the player name within the game/narrative contexts.

For example:

Hi <<print $player_name>>. I  sense that you are a good person, with abundant free will, credit cards, and purchasing power. Buy now, <<print $player_name>>!

Tip: When scripting code, little grammar, punctuation, and lowercase/uppercase errors matter! That’s a value-added procedural lesson (Murrary) for English students and writers…


Once you are finished with your Twine, there are plenty of free hosting options! Where to Host? If you have sound files, I can host the game on this website.

1) Seriousplaylab. If you want to host a twine – with audio, music, etc, you will have to send it to me be email (the Twine html and your music/sound files).

2) is a Twine hosting service (free) with a built in affinity group (J. Gee, H. Jenkins, et. al). If you wish, you can have your Twine tweeted out and players will come and play your Twine. Just sign in with a Twitter account and drop your HTML file into the box. You’re worldwide! (does not support audio files).

3) Other options:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • (if you have problems with any of the above, I can host your twine. You will need to send me the HTML file (images are included within that file) and, if you have sound files associated with your twine, you will need to email me those so I can FTP them to the server (with your twine).
  • Hosting Twine HTML on your WordPress via Dropbox